Investor Platform
Ovis Technologies is a full service firm providing ongoing service to its clients. Helping them maintain their web portals and expand as they do.
Ovis Technologies provides ongoing support, whether it's an update to site content, helping with the administrative portal or keeping an eye on things, our client's enjoy our stellar support. Ovis Technologies starts by providing free top notch hosting. Security: measures include fire wall, anti-virus, and intrusion detection. OS and critical software patches are performed by Rackspace as they come available. Disaster Prevention: To ensure they provide the best possible data center Rackspace implements many "best practices" such as Physical Security, Conditioned Power, Precision Environments, Core Routing Equipment and Certified Network Technicians. Redundant systems include HVAC systems, onsite diesel generators for backup power, and fire suppression systems. Network redundancy is achieved through seven different network service providers with multiple entry points. Disaster Recovery: Standard disaster recovery initiatives include redundant drives, redundant servers, tape backup and digital backup. Additionally the servers are copied to a fail over servers each night in a different geographically located datacenter. Rackspace: is a publicly traded, Managed Hosting Facility. Its global data centers are SAS 70 Type II compliant. |